Living water

Mineral fountain Knyazhevo

Mineral fountain Knyazhevo
  5 min.    The last stop of tram #5
District:    Knyazevo
Location:    42.65867924947007, 23.241232636125936
Objects nearby:    The bathroom in Kniazhevo
Public object / Private object:    Public
Pin  Mineral fountain Knyazhevo

"Mineral fountain Knyazhevo" is located in the metropolitan district "Knyazhevo", at the last stop of tram 5.

The water has a mineralization of 0.12 to 0.16 g/l, mainly bicarbonate-sodium water, clear and colorless, odorless and with a pleasant taste, with an alkaline reaction pH 9-68 and radioactivity 3.5 E. The water contains mainly carbonates, sulfates and less hydrocarbons. The chemical elements sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine and fluorine are minor but constant constituents.

Mineral water helps with neuroses. After treatment, insomnia, headache, palpitations, fatigue and stress usually disappear.